What is this Rafterhouse thing?

by | Nov 28, 2018 | Current Situation

What is Rafterhouse? That’s a great question that I get all the time. I’m good with that.

So let’s back track a bit…

Back in 2012 we hired a small company named Blinktank to help with branding our new construction operation. When we initially began conceptual work, ‘Rafterhouse’ (amongst many others) came up as a potential name… At first we passed over it. It sounded like a bar… But we kept coming back to it. It had a catchy sound to it and easily rolled off the tongue. So eventually we rolled with it. I liked the fact that it could be used as a noun and take on a sense of place and possession. In my head I heard people one day talking with pride about ‘their Rafterhouse’, or excitedly talking with neighbors about the ‘Rafterhouse down the street being built’. A bit of a dream at the time, but it felt right.

What does it mean? Well… at the time it didn’t mean anything in a literal sense. Yes, there are rafter’s in a house. So in that context it was a bit of a play on words, but still no literal translation at the time when we committed to it. It would take several years of persistence to start to create a more literal translation of Rafterhouse.

Once the name was settled on the logo became the next topic of discussion. This isn’t something I’ve shared much in the past, but here is a snap shot of just some of the many logos that were up for consideration…

Kind of like Where’s Waldo… huh?

Once the name and logo were settled on the real work began. Good branding is an amazing thing, but it will only get you so far… Kind of like good looks – they’ll score you a couple free drinks but rather quickly character has to step in and take over to create any chance at longevity. Rafterhouse has been blessed to be in business since 2012. I don’t take it for granted. Each day features hard work and grit. It’s just how small business works. I’m good with that.

What does Rafterhouse do? Another great question that I get all the time. No matter how concise you think your marketing efforts are, there will still always be those who don’t understand the services you offer. After a few years of growth and evolution, Rafterhouse today is a full service construction company and interior design studio. From a construction standpoint, we build new homes or perform extensive renovations anywhere from North Central Phoenix due east through Arcadia, Paradise Valley, and in to portions of North Scottsdale. As far as interior design is concerned – the options are endless as we aren’t geographically bound. In state, out of state – we’re taking on new design clients all over the place.

As 2018 nears completion and I contemplate 2019, I’m thankful for our past growth but excited by our future opportunities. Each year we’ve gained the experiences needed to continue to evolve and grow in to the company we are striving to become. Today we are a design + build firm. Tomorrow is only limited by our own dreams… and hard work and grit. I’m good with that.

Be kind,




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