Governor’s Heritage Preservation Honor Award 2019

by | Jun 18, 2019 | Current Situation

It’s an honor and a privilege to announce we are the recipients of the Governor’s Heritage Preservation Honor Award for 2019.

Per the AZ Historic Preservation website, “Each year awards are given to individuals, businesses, organizations, and/or projects in recognition of outstanding achievements in preserving Arizona’s prehistoric and historic resources.”

The award ceremony was a neat experience and it was truly fantastic to be in the company of other incredibly inspiring projects. Each award recipient had a couple minute video shown highlighting their project. There was a remote mountain side lookout cabin rehabilitation project (that included hiking all materials in-and-out), a 1915 house rehabilitation project in Vail, AZ, the Buckey O’Neill Cabin rehabilitation, and the historic designation of US 80 which spans across the State of Arizona, just to name a few. Hearing about the other projects definitely helped inspire me to want to find another restoration project to sink our teeth in to…

Here are some photos to highlight the evening.

Can’t go wrong with the Hassayampa Inn! Hosts of the 2019 AZ Historic Preservation Conference.


The program for the evening. We’re the “Adaptive Re-Use of the Historic Avery House”.


On stage accepting our award with architect John Douglas, and representatives from the Governor’s Office and SHPO.


Suzanne and I saying cheese.


Until next time,



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