I have this thing for old doors. It’s border line hoarding. Sure, I’m comfortable admitting that. Especially sitting behind the emotional safety of this keyboard typing to a group of people I’m yet to meet. Is anyone even reading this? Probably not. Ok, back to the story… all things old – I like them. Old doors. Old cars. Old houses. Old stories. Old people. Old people with old stories (they’re the best!). You can’t beat – or easily replicate – the age and character time will impose on an object. There’s a distinguishable look, touch, and feel that object will have adopted over time. Plus…. wrap a good story around it and that’s the icing on the cake. I’m a sucker for all things old. So, without further adieu, here’s my story.
Once upon a time in this far away land called Ouray, Colorado there lived an old dairy barn. Well, Ouray’s actually not a far away land. Unless of course you are reading this from Greenland. Then it’s far away. But you’re probably not. Ouray is actually only about a 10 hour drive from Phoenix. In Ouray resides this fabulous old 1800’s dairy barn. Left to weather over the years, the exterior structure is composed of the most perfect shades of distressed brown and red toned wood. The interior is three levels built in to a shallow hill side. Wood floor joists creek as you walk from room to room, and it smells like all things old mixed with old hay. It’s just perfect. The dairy barn is obviously no longer in use and now quietly sits high on the mountain side in the most beautiful open pasture you’ve ever seen. Within this barn is a hoard of treasure. Two summers ago we were family vacationing in Ouray and I chose to hijack a small portion of our vacation to liberate some amazing goodies from the barn.
Now before you suggest and/or accuse us of stealing, please rest your weary minds in the peace of knowing we were granted access to the property… and we paid for all goodies picked.
Ok, back to the story.
Here’s the barn. Yup, just as glorious as I had described above.
Here’s an example of a pile of said treasure described above. Take note of the window frames and jambs laying in the background. You’ll see those all cleaned up a little later.
Here is how we took our first run of loot down the mountain side. You’ll see that green door again in the next photo.
Here is how one small piece of treasure cleaned up and was re-purposed as a pantry door in an amazing remodel we oversaw. For those wondering, the green paint is on the inside of the door. The yellow, grey, raw wood goodness was on the face of the door.

Remember earlier when I mentioned the “distinguishable look, touch, and feel that object will have adopted over time”… Point proven. Mic drop. Finish line reached.
Here is how another piece of small treasure (remember the windows mentioned above…) cleaned up and was re-purposed as sliding barn doors in an amazing home we built.
In summary, it’s always a wise choice to hijack the family’s summer vacation and hunt for treasure. Just remember that once you find said treasure, stay focused, keep your eyes on the prize, and don’t let anything prevent you from liberating your treasure and voyaging home with it because somewhere there’s a room in need of an amazing door.
Keep cool friends. Summer is upon us.